“Little white Lies is a bi-monthly independent movie magazine that features cutting edge writing, illustration and photography to get under the skin of magazine” this is how Little White Lies describe themselves on their online website. The first issue of the magazine was published in 2005. It reviews all types of films from independent films to big Hollywood blockbusters.
-One off the first things I noticed about the style of little white lies film review pages is that there is always two and a half colums of writing. this precise amount of words makes an effective structure for the rest of the page.
-There is always a screen grab from the film itself instead of a set up image that is shown in most other magazines situated at the top of the page.
-The written reviews are also all aligned perfectly with the image above them, creating a clean and simple style.
-The backgorund of little white lies reviews are always either black or white, allowing the image to be the main focus and the simple style of the layout to be complimented.
-The title of the film is the biggest text on the page to make sure the reader knows what the article is about but also to advertise the films title as many of the little whit lies issues are published before the films they write about are released.
-There are ratings at the bottom of the page which are very effective when advertising the film, they also allow the readers to decide weather or not they would enjoy the film.
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